Xenia Wickett
U.S. Project Director, Chatham House
Sep 07, 2016
The U.S.-China relationship is probably the most important one that the next president will need to manage. There would be few surprises for Asia in a Clinton presidency who would largely maintain the traditional ‘hedge and engage’ policy towards China. While a Trump presidency could be seen as better for China, allowing more leeway on security issues, adding an additional element of unpredictability that he would bring to China’s already uncertain economy, would not be good for the country or President Xi Jinping.
Oct 14, 2015
It is hard to avoid the U.S.-China bipolar narrative, although this over-simplistic analysis misses other measures of global power and insecurity. Xenia Wicket argues there is no single paramount power, but a variety of nodes of state and non-state actors.