Karen Mancl
Professor Emerita of Food, Agricultural & Biological Engineering, The Ohio State University, and Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars
Feb 26, 2024
Since the early 1970s the United States and China have exchanged teams of agricultural scientists to explore solutions to food security issues. Agriculture has been a part of the U.S.-China Science and Technology Agreement since 1979 and over 2100 U.S. scientists traveled to China to learn more about their technology with a near equal number of Chinese scientists also participating in the exchange. Sadly, this foundational agreement expired in August 2023 and is operating on just a 6-month extension.
Jun 02, 2022
The advent of plastic mulch has electrified agricultural output globally, with China leading the way in its application. Sadly, plastic fragments are now heavily polluting China’s agricultural soils. New regulations within the 14th five-year plan set out to greatly restrict the use of the ultra-thin plastic and protect China’s soil.
Oct 07, 2021
In 2019, U.S. Customs seized 3400 pounds of invasive Chinese mitten crabs at the Cincinnati, Ohio airport. The mitten crab threatens commercial fishing and biodiversity and is listed on the top 100 worst invader list. China is hosting the 15th meeting of the Convention on Biodiversity and is in a position to show leadership in protecting aquatic environments.
Apr 17, 2021
Early in the pandemic, an unexpected outbreak among mink brought catastrophe to Denmark’s vaunted mink fur industry, leading to the extermination of its entire mink population and total collapse of its output. The U.S. and China are among the top contenders looking to capitalize on the sudden vacuum in the market.
May 17, 2020
Around the world, breweries are seeking ways to lower their environmental footprint, while increasing production and profits. The brewery industries in China and the U.S. look at methane biogas capture from their wastes as a part of both their business plans and to meet environmental sustainability goals.
Apr 16, 2020
Agricultural plastics have transformed China’s agriculture and the Chinese are unlikely to abandon its use. If things do not change, plastic use in agriculture will move from a “white revolution to white pollution”.
Feb 12, 2020
The spread of African swine fever is likely to extend beyond China’s borders and become a global issue. The U.S. would benefit greatly from collaborating with its long-standing trade rival to combat the disease that has been wreaking havoc on the pork industry.