Ma Xiaoye
Board Member and Founding Director, Academy for World Watch
Nov 15, 2021
As China focuses on the pursuit of common prosperity, reforms should encourage making the overall cake bigger, so that more can find its way to labor. This will unleash consumption as a growth driver and bring many other benefits.
Aug 10, 2021
China and United States should distinguish between strategic competition and a struggle for supremacy, as doing so would help avoid stepping over a boundary line beyond which competition turns into a drive for hegemony and world domination.
Oct 21, 2020
China and the United States identify areas of common interest and establish a reference framework for adjustments to bilateral ties. This is exactly the right place to focus additional effort.
Aug 19, 2020
China and the United States need to jointly map the way forward to eliminate as much ambiguity as possible. Proper framing of the issues can serve to avoid biased interpretations and lead to common ground.
May 10, 2020
China and the United States may find it difficult to get back to the level of relations they’ve had in the past, but they cannot get far on an irrational path.
Mar 27, 2020
Long before the coronavirus outbreak, the number-crunchers were at work modeling various possibilities for shifting supply-chains. The epidemic has provided a preview of just how bad things can get.
Apr 25, 2019
Every marriage has its ups and downs: decades of China-US economic cooperation have given way to friction. While any compromise entails pressure on some Chinese sectors, trade talks show the possibility of win-win outcomes and a comprehensive readjustment in bilateral ties.
Jun 08, 2018
The concept of reciprocity on trade is lost in translation between Chinese and American negotiators. We cannot allow a mistranslation to jeopardize such an important relationship.