James Chau
President, China-United States Exchange Foundation
Apr 09, 2019
Bill Gates says she's changing the game. So does Al Gore. Tech teen Emma Yang, who grew up in Hong Kong and now lives in New York, loves her grandmother so much, she's created an app that uses facial-recognition technology to ensure that her family - and potentially millions more - can communicate meaningfully with people with Alzheimer's. James Chau met Emma in New York, where she gave him a preview of her Timeless app and discussed how humanizing technology can help create a better world.
Apr 02, 2019
Millions of young Chinese are heading West to study, transforming the educational experiences of Chinese and Americans alike. Nini Suet is enmeshed in this world. The Beijing-born Princeton grad started an education business that tutors young Chinese for boarding schools in America, and prepares them to interact with an entirely new culture. She talks to James Chau about the magic that happens when these Chinese young people come together to with their American counterparts.
Apr 02, 2019
Millions of young Chinese are heading West to study, transforming the educational experiences of Chinese and Americans alike. Nini Suet is enmeshed in this world. The Beijing-born Princeton grad started an education business that tutors young Chinese for boarding schools in America, and prepares them to interact with an entirely new culture. She talks to James Chau about the magic that happens when these Chinese young people come together to with their American counterparts.
Mar 29, 2019
We're condemned to cooperate, because if we don’t, we are really just condemned.
Mar 26, 2019
After 30 years as one of the world's greatest violinists, Tasmin Little recently announced her retirement. She speaks to James Chau about her incredible life, and how her musical talents led her to become one of the first people to enter China after it began opening its borders to the world.
Mar 26, 2019
After 30 years as one of the world's greatest violinists, Tasmin Little recently announced her retirement. She speaks to James Chau about her incredible life, and how her musical talents led her to become one of the first people to enter China after it began opening its borders to the world.
Mar 26, 2019
James Chau on March 24, 2019 interviewed Joseph Nye, University Distinguished Service Professor of Harvard Kennedy School, in Cambridge, MA. Professor Nye is also a contributor to China-US Focus.
Mar 15, 2019
Novelist and New York Times writer Ming Liu, who turns her voice to maybe China's greatest export – food. But what makes it so good? Interview by James Chau.
Mar 15, 2019
Novelist and New York Times writer Ming Liu, who turns her voice to maybe China’s greatest export – food. But what makes it so good? Interview by James Chau.
Jan 28, 2019
Bob Holden talks about finding common ground with the Chinese.