Mikaila Smith
J.D. Candidate at the University of Chicago Law School
Feb 12, 2022
Localized conflicts in today’s globalized society have produced much debate over the welfare of refugees fleeing problems at home, and China seems ready to step in to take leadership in the international refugee space despite its own spotty record on refugees within its borders.
Dec 03, 2021
Coming out of the COP26 Summit, focus was on Xi Jinping’s absence at the summit, rather than on the shortcomings of major global powers in mitigating climate change - including those whose leaders showed up.
May 08, 2021
Australia’s outlier history as a “Western” nation situated in the Pacific means it’s caught in the middle of simmering global tensions between China and the U.S.
Feb 08, 2021
China’s lack of environmental regulations has been fingered as a culprit in accelerating the climate crisis, but by digging into the nation’s opaque legal process, changes have been made quietly and consistently towards accountability in pollution and waste.
Sep 20, 2019
The massive fires in the Amazon Rainforest have ignited concern and sparked debates about the main actors behind climate change. Now the question remains – are the primary countries responsible going to take the action necessary to save the planet?
May 31, 2019
Originally intended to be a fair, meritocratic system, today China’s university entrance exam, the gaokao, contains structural challenges that prevent disadvantaged students from realizing their potential, in China and all over the world.
Apr 30, 2019
For billions of people, not just in China, but all over the world, toxic air pollution is a daily fact of life. To change this, we must address consumerist lifestyles, short-term values and profit-driven frameworks that have spurred climate change and created deadly environmental problems such as air pollution.
Apr 16, 2019
The investigation of Boeing’s 737 Max 8 has high stakes — both for Boeing and for the global aviation industry. As China’s domestic and international aviation industry grows, competition in the airline industry will continue to build.
Mar 20, 2019
Former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping’s famous “hide our capabilities and bide our time” dictum once guided China’s approach to foreign policy. Now, political commentators ask if Xi has completely foregone Deng’s strategy.
Aug 15, 2018
As China extends its influence in the Pacific, Australia has become increasingly concerned about competition for alliances in the region. Is Australia truly in danger of losing partners to Beijing?