Zhao Jiayu
NYU Graduate Student in International Politics and International Business
Jiayu, Zhao is currently a NYU graduate student in International Politics and International Business and went to college in Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Sciences Po, Paris. Blogging on international political economy and world’s geopolitical issues, Jiayu has more than 1,000 followers to his WeChat Public Platform. He worked in commodity futures trading company and was dedicated to integrating political and economic risks and predictions in financial market analysis.
Dec 05, 2017
For a country seeking to promote its own development, enacting a successful long-term development plan is key, regardless of the economic system. Benefiting from its long-term plans, China is gradually growing into a global power.
Oct 06, 2017
Social stratification, though an innate characteristic of any society, has become severe in both the U.S. and China. However, the sources of social stratification and the institutions that rectify it are different in China and the U.S.