Madeline Earp
Asia research analyst for Freedom on the Net, Freedom House's annual index of global internet freedom
Madeline Earp is the Asia research analyst for Freedom on the Net, Freedom House's annual index of global internet freedom. Earp collaborates with local researchers to assess internet access, censorship and user rights in 15 countries across East, Southeast and South Asia, and authored the report’s China chapter in 2014 and 2013. Prior to joining Freedom House, she was the senior Asia program researcher at the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) in New York.
Jul 01, 2017
Between them, Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia have been subject to many of the tools that Chinese authorities use to suppress online speech. The breadth and intensity of these measures has placed China at the bottom of Freedom House’s Freedom on the Net rankings, which assess 65 countries, for the past two years.