Dec 12, 2018
The United States reacted quickly, calling on Beijing to abide by its commitments to human rights.
Oct 05, 2018
Pence talks tough on China.
Sep 22, 2018
“Hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of Uighurs are held against their will in so-called re-education camps where they’re forced to endure severe political indoctrination and other awful abuses,” Pompeo said in a speech on the state of religious freedom around the world.
Sep 12, 2018
As written, the regulations could make it illegal to publish information about virtually any kind of religious activity — even pictures from a wedding ceremony — according to Jeremy Daum, an expert on Chinese law.
Sep 05, 2018
Chinese delegation walks out of Pacific Islands Forum in Nauru.
Sep 04, 2018
Tiny island nation tries to turn tables on world’s largest country by refusing to stamp Chinese diplomatic passports.
Aug 17, 2018
Training runs by H-6K bombers are likely intended to demonstrate China’s ability to strike US and allied forces and military bases including Guam, report claims.
Jul 26, 2018
She urged other nations to unite with Taiwan in defending against China’s expansionist aims and to protect shared liberal values.
Jul 20, 2018
“Don’t blame Trump, blame China."
Apr 04, 2018
China has hit back at the US with tariffs amounting to $50 billion.