Sam Beatson
a Senior Economic Analyst
Dr. Sam Beatson is a Senior Economic Analyst. He is a lifetime member of St. John’s College, University of Hong Kong and presently a Fellow of the Lau China Institute, King’s College London. This article stems from the results of two discovery workshops held in Canberra and London on ‘The Colour of Chinese Money’, at which thirty officials and academics from around the world provided input for a proposed project on the subject.
Jul 17, 2017
Trade relations with an expanding and increasingly outward facing China have placed foreign leaders in a position whereby public engagement with China on investment and trade issues can create a perception of either pragmatic collaboration for mutual strategic and economic benefit at best or collusion and corruption at worst.
Apr 13, 2017
The performance of Chinese and U.S. shares are rarely compared side-by-side. Together though, they tell the story of the gains that have been available to investors over the past decades, in what are now regarded as the two largest economies—and most capitalised stock markets—in the world.