Xue Li
Senior Fellow, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
May 19, 2023
Perhaps it’s a natural rebound after three years of COVID-19, but other factors may explain it better. Changes in the international order, a new emphasis on diplomatic autonomy, the need for cooperation with China and growing Chinese diplomatic influence are all having their effect.
Nov 20, 2019
China is focused on improving its national security and reducing long-term risks. Therefore, it’s likely to think about worst-case scenarios with respect to the U.S. and work to play a greater role in setting the agenda.
Oct 14, 2019
Since its founding, the country has charted its own path based on socialism’s best practices. It needs to keep learning and improving.
Feb 12, 2019
China should modestly integrate itself with the existing order.
Nov 26, 2018
What are the chances China and the U.S. can resolve their issues at Buenos Aires?
Feb 12, 2018
Is the Trump administration’s strategy a credible threat to the Belt and Road Initiative?
Sep 11, 2017
South Asia has been given a big role in China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The countries there, however, show varying degrees of enthusiasm for the plan.
Aug 09, 2017
The United States has revamped its maritime response to Chinese policy in the South China Sea, conducting its first Freedom of Navigation Operation (FONOP) since President Trump took office. While China cannot allow this action to go unchecked, it should consider its larger global and regional power objectives before determining its response.
Mar 02, 2017
Even more than external risks, preventing the hazards and avoiding risks at home are crucial for China’s OBOR as well as the country’s peaceful rise. From deciding how much military is enough to finding ways to excite neighbors about Chinese culture, a holistic outlook is needed, that will take time to mature as policies.