Sampson Oppedisano
Executive Assistant to the Dean, The Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy
Aug 12, 2021
After two decades, the United States’ war in Afghanistan is finally coming to an end in late August. Though he is defending his decision, President Joe Bi
Apr 29, 2019
With the United States not offering the political and economic support Europe needs to offset China’s influence, leaders like Macron and Merkel face the challenge of retaining the multilateral global order today, while also engaging China on key economic and global issues.
Nov 02, 2018
The departure of Ambassador Nikki Haley, a strong force for U.S. policies at the UN, illustrates a looming question: as the U.S. withdraws from the multilateral system it built, who will fill the void? China may be next.
Oct 12, 2018
As President Moon Jae-in and Chairman Kim Jong Un continue positive negotiations, both China and the United States are wondering: what would peace on the Korean peninsula look like?
May 21, 2018
In recent weeks, the world has witnessed what was thought to be virtually impossible. Not only a thawing of tensions between North and South Korea, but what seems to be a rapid move towards opening and rebuilding of diplomatic relations between the two.
Apr 04, 2018
To China, North Korea has remained, though a thorn in its side at points, a check against Western powers in the region, namely the United States. As with climate change, this the North Korea conundrum is a valuable opportunity for China to continue to prove its desire to become more involved in global crises and continue to showcase its “peaceful rise” in the global community.
Feb 02, 2018
More often than not, the start of the new year is marked with a sense of hope and renewal, a chance to learn from the previous year’s trials and transgressions, a chance of getting things right the next time around. However, if the world has learned anything during the last year that the Trump Administration has been in power, it is that hope, renewal, and learning from past mistakes seem to be far from the top of the administration’s New Year’s resolution list.
Dec 08, 2017
When a U.S. president goes on a tour of a region of the world, the goals can range from reassuring existing alliances, to encouraging the adoption of democratic values such as human rights, to working on building diplomatic relations and economic development. Not President Donald Trump.
Nov 01, 2017
During Barack Obama’s time in office, the administration adopted a policy stance known as the ‘Pivot toward Asia’. Does the Trump Administration plan to pull back and disengage with the Asia Pacific, potentially as a way to undermine Obama’s legacy?
Sep 28, 2017
Recently, the leaders of the world descended upon New York City for the opening of the 72nd United Nations General Assembly. However, despite Trump’s debut speech generating great interest and concern amongst the world and it’s leaders, several notable leaders were absent, namely China’s President Xi Jinping.