Zhao Tong
Fellow, Carnegie–Tsinghua Center for Global Policy
Jun 08, 2023
Managing uncertainties in China-U.S. ties will require the U.S. to accept all-around bilateral dialogue and exchanges between the two countries’ national leaders, experts, scholars and the general public. It needs to identify the true sources of significant disagreements and eliminate its misreading of China.
May 19, 2020
A popular view in China is that more nuclear weapons would garner respect from the international community. But it may only inspire fear, which would be counterproductive.
Jan 21, 2020
Absent some substantive progress, the Korean Peninsula situation may well deteriorate significantly this year. To prevent a new escalation, the international community should make the DPRK aware of exactly what the red lines are.
Jan 11, 2017
Generations of Chinese leaders have said China aims to have the minimum capability required to launch an effective nuclear counterattack. From the long-term perspective, global disarmament has always been China’s goal, and the country should lead the way to keep other major powers faithful to that goal.