Zhao Long
Senior Fellow and Assistant Director, Institute for Global Governance Studies at SIIS
Jun 16, 2022
In recent years, Sino-Russian relations have become a model of great power relations with high degree of mutual trust, high level of collaboration and high strategic value. After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the assessment of the challenges for China-Russia relations in the external environment, the understanding of the conflict’s role in reshaping China-Russia relations, and the examination of the prospects of China-Russia relations have been critical in the analysis of how the Russia-Ukraine conflict will impact the game of great powers.
- Former Chairman of the ILC Finds the UNCLOS Little to Offer to Decide on the Issues before the South
Jul 06, 2016
In an article entitled The South China Sea Arbitration (The Philippines v. China): Assessment of the Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility recently published