Wang Lei
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of World Political Studies, CICIR
Jun 08, 2023
Adjustments in European and American strategies may offer hope for a return to normal relations with China. The EU and U.S. should dump their political prejudices against China, take care of the common security of the world, try to remove risks and truly cooperate with China.
Oct 08, 2020
When U.S. president Donald Trump addressed the United Nations in a pre-recorded speech, he continued his sabotage of everything the organization stands for. By contrast, President Xi Jinping was the adult in the room, making the case that major powers have major responsibility.
Jan 07, 2019
While the United States is proposing to withdrawal troops from Africa, it is also strengthening its non-military presence in response to great power competition.
Sep 07, 2018
China actually does more good for Africa than most other countries and organizations you could name.