Carson Tavenner
Carson Tavenner is the Executive Director of The Tai Initiative, a nonprofit organization based in Seattle, Washington and dedicated to educating and networking leaders at the subnational level of the U.S.-China relationship. Follow him on Twitter @TaiInitiative or e-mail at carson@taiinitiative.org.
Tom Watkins has consulted with business, education government and cultural institutions interested in building bilateral relations between the U.S. and China for over three decades. He has published over 400 articles on all things China. Follow him on Twitter @tdwatkins88 or e-mail at tdwatkins88@gmail.com.
Jun 15, 2016
Rather than doubting the sincerity of corporate executives who create new technologies that propel the China-U.S. relationship forward, Carson Tavenner and Tom Watkins propose listening to non-profit leaders, educators, and other China-America bridge-builders who search for cooperative solutions while building trust and honesty between people.