Aaron Jed Rabena
Research Fellow, Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress
Mar 27, 2020
COVID-19’s impact on Chinese manufacturing has had ripple effects around the world, and the Philippines is no exception. The potential long-term damage that the pandemic can do to the Philippine economy may necessitate amendments to the Philippine portion of China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
Apr 11, 2018
Apart from the mainstream narrative that Xi is appropriating methods of Maoist political conservatism or autocratic statecraft, China’s domestic imperatives and external conditions prove useful in examining the motivation behind the abolition of term limits.
Sep 20, 2016
To solve the misperceptions the Philippines and China have toward the other’s intentions in the South China Sea, both sides should be more open to understanding the rationale of each other’s actions and behavior, commit to non-militarization of the disputed areas while refraining from using confrontational rhetoric, and not force each other’s red lines in public so as to avoid either party from losing face.