Erin Murphy
Founder and Principal, Inle Advisory Group
Jul 14, 2017
Bilateral ties between Myanmar and China, at least at top governing levels, appear to be improving following souring diplomatic and economic ties during the previous Thein Sein administration. As China expands its investment footprint, it must heed the widespread wariness, and in some areas, strong anti-Chinese sentiment in Myanmar.
Dec 12, 2016
Southeast Asia is unlikely to receive the attention and focus it has under the Obama Administration. Despite this, members of Congress will maintain a focus in the region. Particularly, the legislative will take the lead given the country’s most ardent Myanmar watchers remain in Congress. Regional concerns continue to focus around human rights concerns and radicalization. Although the Obama “pivot” to Asia may be over, a continued relationship will remain.
Sep 12, 2016
If the U.S. and China’s stated goals in both the G20 and the EAS hold true, Southeast Asian countries stand to benefit greatly. As is readily apparent in Myanmar, countries in the region no longer desire to be pawns in a geopolitical economic game, but rather collaborative partners to ensure fair benefits.