Stephen Harner
Former US State Department Official
Jul 30, 2014
Prime Minister Abe’s reinterpretation of the Peace Constitution is partially the result of US pressure for Japan to contribute more to the alliance. Although, a more nuanced explanation is Abe’s realization that the United States would likely not risk war with China over territorial disputes and so he has taken the first step towards an independent defense posture for Japan.
Jun 24, 2014
Given the ‘pivot to Asia’ policy that has been executed by the Obama administration, Stephen Harner discusses its various negative implications. In addition to his assessment of the policy’s shortcomings, Harner also asserts that the Obama administration needs to reverse entirely this ‘pivot to Asia’ policy. Such a policy reversal, according to Harner, would create stability in Asia.
Jun 07, 2014
Two recent foreign policy actions by the United States set a dangerous tone for the Obama administration’s strategy in the Asia-Pacific and threaten the stability of Sino-U.S. relations, warns Stephen Harner.
May 07, 2014
Following the first visit to Japan by a U.S. president in nearly two decades, Stephen Harner examines President Barack Obama’s recent tour of four East Asian nations in order to truly understand how U.S.-Japan relations are advancing and what this means for the future of Sino-U.S. relations given current tensions between China and Japan.
May 02, 2014
President Barack Obama’s recent trip redefined the United States as “an Asia Pacific nation” that seeks to reassert its leadership in the region. The rhetoric as well as defense pacts with nations like the Philippines demonstrates the pivot towards the Asia Pacific and the revival of “Manifest Destiny” throughout the Asia-Pacific that seeks to not cooperate, but dominate the region.
Apr 08, 2014
Following issues in Crimea, the topic of “core national interests” continues to emerge as a critical point in geopolitics. As Stephen Harner explains, it is necessary for the United States to follow China’s lead and define its own core interests. By eliminating any uncertainty over national priorities, both nations can continue seeking “A New Type of Great Power Relations.”
Feb 11, 2014
In response to a recent memorandum created by the Brookings Institution in support of the Obama administration’s rebalance to Asia, Stephen Harner points out why the United States must abandon this foreign policy strategy and allow countries in the Asia-Pacific to establish order in the region without interference.
Jan 14, 2014
The tense atmosphere in the Asia-Pacific has only intensified with China’s announcement of new fishing rules and an ADIZ in disputed waters. However, as Stephen Harner points out, China’s actions were necessary given regional security threats and unproductive military-to-military dialogue with the US.
Dec 11, 2013
Reflecting on Vice President Joe Biden’s trip to Asia, Stephen Harner analyzes the success of the Vice President’s diplomatic overtures and argues that a “commitment to action and adjustment” is necessary to continue building relations in the region.
Dec 05, 2013
Focusing on America’s confident assertion of “exceptionalism,” Stephen Harner examines a recent address by National Security Advisor Susan Rice and points out how American exceptionalism is in direct conflict with Asian society and culture, threatening future cooperation in the region.