George Koo
Retired International Business Consultant and Contributor to Asia Times
Jun 10, 2013
One of the main breakthroughs from the informal summit between the leaders of China and the US was that Presidents Barack Obama and Xi Jinping did agree to work together on keeping North Korea in check and the Korean peninsula nuclear free, writes George Koo.
May 15, 2013
The recently concluded (non)case of the government vs. Dr. Bo Jiang bore a striking resemblance to the scandalous Wen Ho Lee case that occurred in 1999 and strongly suggests that racial profiling and bigotry is still alive and well, at least in Virginia.
Nov 08, 2012
It’s time the US reexamine the concept of strategic ambiguity in dealing with China. It simply has not worked. Both the US and China can better deploy their energy on other issues rather than managing the ups and downs of the bilateral relationship.
Oct 24, 2012
Huawei’s debacle with US Congress raises troubling questions at many levels. Based on hypotheticals and a basic misunderstanding of China’s business environment, Huawei will pay a heavy price for a colossal failure to communicate across the two cultures.
Dec 20, 2011
2011 witnessed the collapse of long-standing regimes in the Arab world and the near-collapse of the Euro, and proved to be a wild, rollercoaster ride for actors
Oct 13, 2011
Dear Senator Chuck Schumer and your esteemed colleagues, to quote a famous US President, “There you go again.” Since nothing else was working very well coming
Sep 09, 2011
Before September 11, 2001, China looked at the U.S. with a bit of awe, envy, admiration and even affection that was rooted from the days of being comrade-in-arm
May 03, 2011
Assuming that he is an unworthy target for obstructionist politics and is confirmed by the Senate, Gary Locke will be first American of Chinese ancestry to serv