Kaiser Kuo
Host, Sinica Podcast
Jan 26, 2017
A spectre was haunting Davos, and its name was Donald Trump.
Nov 07, 2016
Based on conversations Kaiser Kuo and his wife Fanfan have had with Chinese and Chinese Americans since moving to North Carolina in person and on WeChat groups, the chief reasons behind the popularity of Trump with first-generation immigrants from the PRC are: affirmative action, sexual conservatism, racism, schadenfreude, and Clinton’s hawkishness, taxation, immigration, and personality.
Feb 29, 2016
Anglophone journalism is not about the quotidian, but instead focuses on power—political and corporate. While Kaiser Kuo esteems this motivation, he argues that it also can create distorted newsreader opinions, misunderstands the complexities of individuals in the most populous nation, and begets worse treatment for journalists in an un-virtuous cycle.