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Commentaries by Philip Cunningham

Philip Cunningham

Independent Scholar

Philip J. Cunningham has worked in television and film in China and Japan since 1986. His latest book, “Tiananmen Moon: 25th Anniversary Edition,” was published in 2014.
  • Aug 18, 2021

    The Biden administration has not yet revoked a rollover proclamation from the Trump administration which bans students from China to enter the United States.

  • Aug 06, 2021

    The Olympics often seem to be preceded by political tension and drama; this and next year’s games in Asia are no different. Tokyo’s games got off to a rocky start, and now a group of U.S. lawmakers is calling for a boycott of the Beijing 2022 games. Will this destroy the Olympics or will the games unite us through conflict?

  • Aug 03, 2021

    US Senator Marsha Blackburn expressed great dissatisfaction over Netflix’s decision to produce a movie based on the Chinese novel, “The Three-Body Problem”. In today’s hyper-vigilant atmosphere, Senator Blackburn’s reaction highlights the growing chasm between China and the United States.

  • Jul 22, 2021

    The island of Taiwan has been locked in one of China’s most famous conflicts for decades. Now, other nations are taking advantage of the stand-off to bolster their security concerns in regards to Chinese expansion.

  • Jul 13, 2021

    Space exploration was once a militarized battleground - but with new practices of international cooperation, the atmosphere may be the common ground for the U.S. and China.

  • Jun 30, 2021

    Dr. Anthony Fauci continues to diplomatically lead America through the Covid-19 pandemic, despite calls for his resignation and the defamation of his name.

  • Jun 10, 2021

    China’s recent space ventures and the subsequent Western coverage reveal much about the way news and media play into animosity between two nations.

  • Apr 29, 2021

    Western public discourse regarding Xinjiang and other hot-button China issues is often subject to ridicule when it strays from dominating political opinion. Is it possible challenge the dominant media narrative?

  • Apr 17, 2021

    China, Japan, and the U.S. have all swapped places as allies and adversaries of each other. Recent times have brought Japan and the U.S. closer together against a powerful Chinese presence in East Asia.

  • Mar 27, 2021

    The U.S.-China talks in Alaska will set the stage for future interaction. After public and private meetings met with frustration on both sides, it’s possible a real dialogue has begun. But one thing is certain: China is ready to get down to business.

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