Wang Zhen
Research Professor, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
May 08, 2021
Pulling out of Afghanistan is a fraught prospect. The country is awash in terrorists, and groups will rise quickly again. A hurried withdrawal may also trigger a humanitarian crisis, resulting in greater damage to the international status and image of the United States.
Mar 11, 2021
China bashing has become a new form of political correctness in the United States. Despite Biden’s rhetoric, it's not clear that he can do away with Trump’s toxic legacy and rebuild the political and social basis of China-U.S. relations.
Mar 10, 2021
The coronavirus crisis will eventually be a thing of the past, but in the post-COVID era, serious questions remain. What kind of human rights and what international moral standard serves humanity best?
Nov 20, 2020
Reaching out to improve the lives of minority groups has proved effective in China’s fight against terrorism. That might be a good place to start for France, which continues to suffer at the hands of vengeful radicals.
Oct 08, 2020
Americans can attempt to shift blame for their troubles onto China, but that won’t solve any of the real problems they face. China’s successes cannot be erased by political rhetoric. Attempting to do so will only bring more trouble.
Aug 28, 2020
A host of reasons suggest that there will be no turn for the better in China-U.S. relations, regardless who wins the White House in November. If China’s restraint is perceived as a sign of weakness, the U.S. might adopt risker policies that will force Beijing into a head-on collision.
Nov 15, 2019
Since 9/11, domestic terrorism has been on the rise, supplemented by racial hatred and anti-Semitism. The Trump administration is heading in the wrong direction.
Jan 25, 2018
Cooperation needs to be based on common goals and interests, as well as mutual respect and understanding, rather than rude accusation and coercive pressure.
Aug 29, 2017
Threatening China in the Doklam region can only end badly for India. The Himalayas are big enough to accommodate both great powers.
May 19, 2017
Even after the city’s anticipated retaking, jihadist ideas advocated by ISIS carry certain ideological appeal, which will not go away because of the group’s military defeat in the region or the deaths of its leaders. The chaotic environments of Iraq and Syria offer a rich seedbed for continued instability, recruiting and violence.