Tang Lan
Deputy Director, Institute of Information and Social Development, CICIR
Sep 08, 2016
The US government recently announced it would transfer governance of the Internet to the “global multi-stakeholder community” on Oct 1. This is a major step forward in global Internet governance reform since in March 2014, when the US National Communications and Information Administration formally declared it would surrender control over ICANN.
Jan 04, 2016
As big powers, China and the United States need to show restraint in cyberspace. The announcements by Apple Pay to partner with China UnionPay and by Microsoft to work with Chinese researchers to develop the Windows 10 operating system are but two instances of growing Sino-US cooperation in the cyber sphere.
Oct 02, 2015
President Xi Jinping pledged that China’s attempts to develop Internet economy and enhance online defense will not exclude Western technologies and best practices, which demonstrated China's sincerity for dialogue and cooperation.