Qin Xiaoying
Research Scholar, China Foundation For Int'l and Strategic Studies
Jan 23, 2017
The new system evolving in the anti-corruption campaign will not only integrate the existing supervisory bodies and their functions, but extend the scope of the oversight of the CPC’s discipline watchdog from Party members to all public officials. Pilot programs in three very different regions will provide examples for future reforms.
Jan 04, 2017
Hillary Clinton would have been far more predictable for China, but the realities of the election require new thinking and the embrace of a positive sense of adventure.
Nov 24, 2016
Massive corruption involving officials from the nation’s top level to the lowest local governments has not only damaged the image of Chinese officials but also seriously eroded the administrative ability of governments at all levels. The elevation of the president is not a personality cult but a move to preserve China’s ability to govern effectively.
Oct 24, 2016
A maturing political process has helped the party develop quasi-government capacities for governing, organizing, integrating Chinese society. However, the challenges facing society and institutions today make the upcoming session worthy of special attention.
May 31, 2016
President Xi’s past remarks that defined the “cultural revolution” as “ten years of havoc should have made some less aggressive in singing the praises of those years. The “cultural revolution” was a historic setback that is no cure for the troubles of today’s China. That populist fantasy would be an insane act of backpedaling.
Mar 18, 2016
The Chinese premier’s frankness in his report embodied not only decision-makers’ policy orientations, but also a profound people-first mentality that will be of far-reaching significance.
Nov 20, 2015
Except for the disruptive years of the “cultural revolution”, the five-year planning system has given the country a unified strategic outlook, especially in the recent years of opening up and development. The current CPC Central Committee is steering the Chinese government, in the coming five years, to emphasize people’s livelihood and well-being, and to effectively promote economic transformation and consolidation.
Aug 27, 2015
Indecisive western responses to China’s military parade invitation are based ultimately on their profound worries about the potential impacts that China’s development will exert on the political and economic patterns of the present-day world.
Mar 05, 2015
Holidays in China are changing. For the generation that lived though the 1960s and 1970s famine, they were associated with abundant eating. Notwithstanding the influence of western holidays, Xi Jinping’s anti-graft measures have considerably changed the holidays by fighting party extravagance of food and gifts with simplicity and thrift.
Feb 23, 2015
The destiny of China, and that of China's ruling party, hinges on whether the current anti-corruption campaign will bring about a clean, efficient and service-oriented government.