Chen Jimin
Guest Researcher, Center for Peace and Development Studies, China Association for International Friendly Contact
Sep 05, 2017
The volatility of Donald Trump’s administration has added to the uncertainties in China-US relations. Circumstances present both opportunities and challenges.
Jul 13, 2017
Japan still sees the US relationship as its diplomatic basis and top priority, especially in maintaining the stability of US-Japan alliance. But in the face of current uncertainties, it also is beginning to seek diversity in foreign affairs as a way to maximize Japan’s interests.
Mar 06, 2017
The new president is sounding themes that he has stuck with since his surprise election, promising to crush ISIS and promoting NATO, but demanding that allies pay their share of defense costs. America, he insists, seeks friends and peace in the world.
Feb 27, 2017
The new president showed that the United States would attach importance to the Asia-Pacific region, to its alliances and to deepening the relationship with the region’s major countries. His recent overtures to China, however, and his disinterest in Abe’s “values diplomacy” suggest that US policy will not always give Japan what it wants.
Jan 21, 2017
The outgoing president gets a mixed score, but a legacy for his successor to draw upon. Being a leader of multilateralism and globalization efforts has been a success that deserves emulation, but the ambivalent use of force diminished its stature as the defender of peace and stability.
Dec 09, 2016
Donald Trump’s words on the campaign trail suggest that Sino-US relations may fluctuate in the transition period. The balance of power between the two sides will continue to change but the importance and sensitivity of Sino-US relations will also increase.
Nov 16, 2016
Compared with diplomatic issues, the new administration is facing more challenges in domestic affairs, which is also more critical for Trump’s re-election four years from now. For a Trump administration, with the edge of the Republican-controlled Congress, it is urgent to promote domestic policies and reforms. The alliance system, therefore, is not among the top priorities or issues, and its institutional nature insulates it from the whims of a single individual.
Oct 13, 2016
Despite their differences as argued by Clinton and Trump, the televised encounter showed that protecting the interests of the United States will be the objective of whoever wins the White House.
Jun 30, 2016
The grim situation of terrorism facing the United States can attributed to many factors, such as the diffusion of international terrorists, the diverse propaganda ways of extremist ideology, and Washington’s own counter-terrorism strategies. The US needs a clear understanding on this point before it can achieve long-term solutions.
Jun 08, 2016
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee insists that promoting democracy where it’s neither familiar nor welcome has been a foolish US policy. But abandoning the norms and institutions established after World War II will diminish not only US global leadership but also the entire international system – not good news in an era of weakening global economic development and uncertain international and regional security.