Xiao Geng
Director of Institute of Policy and Practice at Shenzhen Finance Institute, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Xiao Geng is director of Institute of Policy and Practice, Shenzhen Finance Institute, Chinese University of Hong Kong at Shenzhen.
Aug 06, 2015
China’s current stock market volatility, though not necessarily desirable, represents a natural market correction from its June 12 peak. The economy has undergone a standard cycle of displacement, overtrading, monetary expansion, discredit, and revulsion, all in a matter of less than 12 months.
Jan 17, 2013
China’s ability to weather the global economic crisis can be understood by taking into account Nassim N. Taleb’s concept of “antifragile” systems. Now as China’s new leadership approaches an ambitious reform agenda, it must be sure to nurture antifragility, which is crucial in large, centralized economies.