Zheng Yu
Professor, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Jan 08, 2019
The US is forcing a Cold War on China.
Dec 12, 2018
Trump’s decision to withdraw the US from the INF is mostly motivated by fear of China.
Oct 02, 2018
Trilateral relations between the US, Russia, and China are complex and evolving.
Jun 15, 2018
China and Russia are friends against the West.
May 21, 2018
The US feels it can take on both China and Russia at the same time now.
Apr 20, 2018
Industrial technological competition is at the center of China-US competition.
Mar 06, 2018
What will a changing Russian foreign policy mean for China?
Jan 04, 2018
What role does China play internationally? How will it use its international capabilities and military strength? With whom will it cooperate? These questions have been challenging observers since the beginning of this century.
Oct 26, 2017
Weakening relations between China and Russia limits their ability to check the US.
Sep 28, 2017
Just as changing circumstances have altered Russia’s relationship with the US, they have also altered its relationship with China.