Doug Bandow
Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
- How to Win China’s Aid on North Korea: Stop Forcing Beijing to Choose Between the U.S. and the North
Jun 23, 2016
By ignoring the Chinese, Kim Jong-un has been gambling with his regime’s future. The PRC appears more ready than ever before to abandon its troublesome friend. However, inertia—and a cold-hearted assessment of interests—is likely to hold Beijing back from cooperating with the U.S. if forced to choose America over Pyongyang.
May 26, 2016
Donald Trump’s supposed 45 percent tariff on Chinese imports would punish American consumers, violate international trade rules, and ignite a trade war. However, given when a Chinese company pays top dollar to acquire a public U.S. company, shareholders generally receive cash in excess of the stock price, which goes right to the pockets of U.S. households and retirees.
Apr 26, 2016
Doug Bandow takes a global portrait of China’s strategic partnerships and “non-alliance” policies, arguing that as the great Eastern power grows so must its capacity to create not just military allies but friends.
Apr 08, 2016
There is little doubt that the so-called Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has lost Chinese public opinion. Doug Bandow argues that it would help if the U.S. and its allies, most obviously the Republic of Korea and Japan, made it easier for Beijing to effectively join America’s anti-Pyongyang coalition.
Mar 08, 2016
Ted Cruz wants to rename the land in front of the Chinese embassy after dissident to Liu Xiaobo. While Americans understandably desire to help those who are oppressed, this move is clearly to benefit Ted Cruz. Foreign policy is the art of the possible—focused on protecting collective interests.
Jan 21, 2016
The lesson of the DPRK’s latest nuclear test is that talking to North Korea offers a better hope of success than ignoring it. But then, that’s what Beijing has been telling the U.S. for a long time.
Jan 04, 2016
Western fears of Chinese domination in Africa appear overblown. African peoples have benefited economically, but unevenly; African dictators sometimes have benefited politically, though not crucially. While America’s role has shrunk, the U.S. remains the largest, most productive, and most attractive economic partner for African nations.
Dec 01, 2015
China and the U.S. are waging a bitter but so far nonviolent struggle in Burma. And the U.S. appears to be winning. For Burma, opening to the West was the answer; sanctions were eased, Western leaders rushed to visit, and business investment flowed in.
Nov 12, 2015
Many U.S. policymakers see China as the answer to North Korean proliferation, but the People’s Republic of China has not yet proved willing to abandon its sole ally. China’s interest is almost purely negative, avoiding what the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea could become.
Sep 14, 2015
Political campaigns generally are not well-suited for the thoughtful discussion of complex, nuanced international issues. Lately, China has been a target of GOP pre-election attacks, and it should be known that there is a difference between coming across as tough, and bungling diplomacy all together.