Min Ye
Assistant Professor, The Pardee School of Global Studies
Min Ye Assistant Professor, The Pardee School of Global Studies; Academic Coordinator of Asian Studies Program. Min Ye is the author of Diasporas and Foreign Direct Investment in China and India (Cambridge University Press, 2014), and The Making of Northeast Asia (with Kent Calder, Stanford University Press, 2010). Ye is currently selected as a Public Intellectual Program fellow by the National Committee on the U.S-China Relations, 2014-2016. In 2013, she was the recipient of the East Asia Peace, Prosperity, and Governance fellowship, and in 2009-2010, she held a post-doctoral fellowship at the Fairbank Center of Chinese Studies at Harvard University.
Jan 23, 2015
As policymakers and pundits are excited about increased openness to American investments in China in the future, social and political tensions that grew with America’s investments in China in the past fifteen years, however, are little noted, and especially not recognized is the role that China’s diaspora played in FDI.