Alessandro Rippa
Postdoc research assistant, the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Aug 27, 2018
Pakistan now has a new government. But will this change Pakistan’s relationship with one of its closest allies - China?
Aug 18, 2015
The recent amnesty that freed 155 Chinese loggers might calm Beijing and Kunming, effectively easing diplomatic tension between China and Myanmar. The move could also signal, however, that when it comes to the timber trade, it is business as usual.
Mar 04, 2015
Andrew Small’s new book on China-Pakistan relations is a very significant new revelation on a relationship that has been primarily strategic and military-based since its beginnings. The Karakoram Highway, which connects the two countries, has very little economic value and increasingly “Talibinization” has become a concern for Beijing, which may see its ally as a strategic counter to India’s eminence.
Oct 16, 2014
As China and Pakistan decide to re-route the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to avoid the volatile provinces of Balochistan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, a group of Pakistani senators threaten demonstrations at the PRC embassy in Islamabad. The issue highlights problems that undermine China’s desire to forge a secure route to the Gulf.