Nicola Casarini
Senior Fellow, Istituto Affari Internazionali
Feb 26, 2024
China’s connectivity project is being reconfigured across the old continent. Western and Eastern Europe are increasingly divided regarding the Belt and Road’s infrastructure projects and investments – yet, Europe as a whole is welcoming monetary connectivity with China and wider adoption of the renminbi.
Sep 08, 2023
Italy’s Belt and Road engagement, which was led by the previous liberal administration, is coming to an end, but the inroads China has made in Italy means that creating distance can’t be done with the stroke of a pen.
Oct 20, 2022
Europe has stepped up its engagement with Taiwan to a level unthinkable only a few years ago - a dynamic which is welcomed in Washington but risks triggering commercial reprisals from Beijing. If not managed carefully, such actions threaten to reduce Europe’s diplomatic leeway and ability to contribute to a peaceful solution of Cross-Strait relations. The EU should urgently set up a high-level communication channel with Beijing to complement the transatlantic dialogue on the Indo-Pacific established last year.
Jun 30, 2022
Europe has taken a strategic stance when it comes to its relationship with the U.S. and with China. While the U.S. has strengthened ties with its European allies to contain China, Europe also supports China’s monetary ambitions regarding the RMB.
Oct 27, 2020
Europe’s global interests have long been aligned with those of the United States, but as a new Cold War intensifies between China and the US, the EU states are diverging from what they see as brash US action.
May 29, 2020
Italy is yet another country stuck at a fork in the road as it decides who a better ally would be: the US or China. Its current need for aid during the coronavirus pandemic may be a deciding factor in critical debates, such as whether or not Huawei should be allowed to operate within its borders.
Apr 12, 2019
Cracks are appearing in the European Union’s position on China. While much of Europe has developed a new, Trumpian-style position on China, the populist coalition in Rome is opening its arms to China and the Belt and Road Initiative.
Sep 26, 2018
As the European Union proposes a strategy for increased connectivity across the continent, both China and the U.S. will utilize the proposal to advance their own goals.
Jul 03, 2018
The next China-EU summit to be held in Beijing on July 16-17 will be used by leaders of the two sides to send a strong message against U.S. protectionism, signaling a change in EU-Chinese relations.
Jan 08, 2014
Following the official launch of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, Dr. Nicola Casarini explores how the internationalization of the renminbi can benefit the global economy with an emphasis on the Eurozone.