Geoff Hiscock
Former Asia Business Editor, CNN
Geoff Hiscock is the author of “Earth Wars: The Battle for Global Resources” (published by Wiley) and the former Asia business editor for CNN.com.
Oct 27, 2014
The US, China and India compose about half of all global CO2 emissions. Through “dirty coal” import bans and new technological advances, China hopes to decrease its 2020 carbon emissions by 45% from its 2005 levels. Geoff Hiscock stresses that without increased sustainable investment, CO2 emission levels will keep rising.
Jun 06, 2013
The competition between the US and China for energy resources is growing. China, the world’s largest energy user, is trying to play catch up on decades of research and development, stronger infrastructural development and the advanced data of the US to ensure it has the energy resources necessary to fuel a growing economy.