Robert I. Rotberg
Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School
May 24, 2013
Meeting with Mozambican President Armando Guebuza in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping continues to cement China’s economic and trade relations with emerging economies in Africa. As China’s investment in the continent continues to increase, Professor Robert Rotberg examines how natural gas deposits in Mozambique will shape China’s future in the region.
Apr 11, 2013
African leaders praised President Xi Jinping’s trip to the Fifth BRICS Summit, highlighting the close ties between China and sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the warm welcome, Professor Robert Rotberg warns that Xi’s ties to autocrats could harm China’s future prospects on the continent. As Xi cracks down on internal corruption, should he also reevaluate the corrupt practices of his African peers?
Mar 19, 2013
The economic relationship between China and Africa is at an all-time high. But China must balance its desire for African resources with Africa’s employment needs to create a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship.