David Shinn
Adjunct Professor, George Washington University
Oct 06, 2017
Nigerian and international reporting on Chinese investment in Nigeria gives the impression that Chinese companies are the largest investors in the country. However, this is not the case.
Sep 10, 2014
Was the recent U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit Washington’s response to China’s growing role on the African continent? David H. Shinn, former U.S. ambassador to Ethiopia and Burkina Faso, explores this summit and its similarities to the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.
May 15, 2014
Examining the development of China’s non-interference policy since the mid-1990s, David Shinn explains that increased trade with African countries and more Chinese nationals living on the continent has allowed China’s interpretation of sovereignty and policy of intervention in conflict situations to evolve.
Nov 18, 2013
China’s counterterrorism policy since the 2001 attacks on the United States has increasingly been pursued in the context of the global war on terror. In Africa, as threats to Chinese interests increase; Beijing has quietly been ramping up its efforts to confront terrorism.
Jun 21, 2013
Chinese passivism towards terrorism/extremism may be suiting to change based on the Mali conflict. Through much of the Mali conflict, China held its typical responses: urging peace and stability. But in late 2012, China offered military support to Mali. It also pledged to offer monetary aid and suggested methods to help nations build their capacities to ward off extremist uprisings.
Nov 01, 2012
There is agreement among those who follow China-Africa relations that state-owned and private Chinese companies have become major investors in Africa over the p
Jul 12, 2012
Africa is not in the backyard of China or the United States; it is effectively neutral territory for competition and cooperation. There are more areas for cooperation than either country has taken advantage of so far. It is important that African countries understand this fact so that they encourage more collaborative efforts.