Hu Angang
Director, Tsinghua National Research Center
Nov 06, 2017
In the past few years, China has carried the world economically, and in the next few years, China will carry the world environmentally. The more China prospers, the more the world will gain.
Jul 16, 2012
Adopted in most countries across the world, the presidential system has long been hailed as a democratic system for modern countries. Elected directly or indire
May 28, 2011
According to data from the Sixth Census, China has a population of 1.34 billion on its mainland (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). Since I myself is an ex
Mar 06, 2011
China has promulgated five-year plans since 1953 and experienced a fast growth rate of 9.2 percent in the First Five-Year Plan period (1953-57). The plans wer