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Commentaries by Lucio Blanco Pitlo III

Lucio Blanco Pitlo III

Research Fellow, Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation

Lucio Blanco Pitlo III is a Research Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation and the University of the Philippines Korea Research Centre, Lecturer at the Chinese Studies Programme at Ateneo de Manila University, Contributing Editor (Reviews) for the Asian Politics & Policy Journal and Board Member of the Philippine Association for China Studies.
  • Apr 06, 2018

    The use of tariffs to address the United States’ trade imbalance with key trade partners will hamper longstanding U.S. economic leadership. For the U.S., addressing the trade imbalance and reviving U.S. manufacturing should not come at the expense of disrupting the established economic trade order and heightening perceptions of American exceptionalism among U.S. allies.

  • Mar 16, 2018

    Cooper and Douglas presented four visions of U.S. strategy towards China: primacy, balance, concert and integration. President Trump’s persona, rhetoric and actions suggest that he will lean more towards primacy with an element of balance in dealing with China. Primacy and balance constitute viable strategies in dealing with an emerging rival, but over reliance on these two unnecessarily limits U.S. foreign policy maneuverability and poses serious danger.

  • Feb 08, 2018

    Xi’s report to the 19th Party Congress outlined promising opportunities for China to play ever greater constructive and positive roles for the world. However, making those contributions will not be without challenges, and the manner and motives behind such efforts will always be under scrutiny.

  • Jan 09, 2018

    Concern over the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s nuclear and missile tests and combating terrorism and extremism constitute two of the key security issues discussed in the recently concluded 31st ASEAN and Related Summits held last November in Manila.

  • Dec 22, 2017

    President Trump’s attendance at the recently concluded ASEAN Related Summits held in Manila suggests continued U.S. interest in a region touted as among the key engines of global economic growth and development. This is crucial as ASEAN celebrates its golden anniversary amidst fast changing regional dynamics.

  • Dec 01, 2017

    The resurgence of China creates opportunities for partnership in delivering public goods and sharing the burden of maintaining the global economic and security order. However, China’s rise also brings challenges to traditional U.S. primacy and leadership, especially if such leadership cannot be shared.

  • Oct 24, 2017

    Most of the living and non-living resources in South China Sea are clustered in near coastal waters of littoral states and such resource mapping has far reaching implications in terms of defining potential areas for joint development. Creating potential for joint development of resources between China and the Philippines would put a premium on economic cooperation which has been actively pursued by the Duterte government. While public acceptance and legal challenges remain, it ultimately will be a political exercise of defining national interests and calculating domestic and international responses.

  • Aug 22, 2017

    ASEAN meetings almost always generate expectations of raising the South China Sea (SCS) disputes to the point where the success of the meeting boils down to how tough the adopted language is in the final official statements. Considering the breadth and depth of issues covered by ASEAN in its annual meetings, such reduction is unfortunate and unfair.

  • Jun 22, 2017

    As things stand, with four more years of the Trump Administration, China will have the field wide open for its continued ascent into global power. However, China should be wary of the dangers posed by overconfidence, great power chauvinism and a growing sense of entitlement that unbridled nationalism and unchecked leadership may breed.

  • Jun 05, 2017

    The first meeting of the biannual bilateral consultation mechanism to manage the South China Sea disputes, which is hoped to have a positive cascading effect on the early conclusion for a regional Code of Conduct on the disputed sea. Hints of possible cooperation in non-traditional security can be gleaned from President Duterte’s interest to welcome Chinese presence in the Sulu Sea to help address maritime piracy and armed sea robbery.

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