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Commentaries by Zhang Yun

Zhang Yun

Associate Professor at National Niigata University in Japan, Nonresident Senior Fellow at University of Hong Kong

Zhang Yun is Associate Professor of National Niigata University in Japan, and Nonresident Senior Fellow at the University of Hong Kong.
  • Jun 24, 2021

    China needs to a better job in responding to Western scolding. It may need to express discontent, or even anger, from time to time. But mostly it must be able to deliver a positive, vivid and appealing Chinese narrative.

  • May 28, 2021

    The Biden administration is pushing a multilateralism based on shared ideals, alliances and partnerships. For the United States, only homogeneous countries can ensure quality and efficiency. But the differences between Chinese and U.S. understandings go beyond diplomatic practice. There are theoretical differences as well.

  • May 08, 2021

    The China-Japan relationship is like a ship forging ahead against the wind. But it’s also drifting in the current and will move backward if it fails to move ahead. Their ties in the new era need to be constantly enriched and exercised.

  • Apr 17, 2021

    China and the U.S. need to figure out intellectually what they are vying for. They do not have territorial disputes in the ordinary sense, nor are they in binary ideological opposition of the kind seen during the Cold War era.

  • Mar 24, 2021

    In the quest for healthy long-term relations, China and the United States should continue striving to identify their converging interests and work to connect. In the longer term, international relations need to evolve into a new model of self-disciplined compromise, supervision and inclusion.

  • Mar 02, 2021

    International relations should serve domestic economic development and improve the lives of the American people, President Joe Biden said, adding that the U.S. intends to bolster the national interest through diplomatic good offices rather than military means.

  • Jan 06, 2021

    The treaty is part of a strategic choice made by China, whose interests align with those of the European Union. For the EU, the BIT is a well-thought-out strategic choice based on the world’s post-pandemic economic landscape.

  • Jan 06, 2021

    The resumption of talks between China and the United States should be characterized by efficiency and high quality. After many negative twists and turns in recent years, the relationship will eventually find a new model that has not been seen before.

  • Dec 09, 2020

    China and Japan have pledged full support for each other in presenting the 2021 Summer Olympics in Tokyo and the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing. Their cooperation will be invaluable in promoting the regional integration of Asia.

  • Nov 20, 2020

    There is good reason to believe that patching up relations in an estranged Europe will be a top priority for the incoming administration of Joe Biden. China needs to adapt intelligently, as the United States is likely to keep the pressure on.

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