Wang Fudong
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of International Economics and Politics, Shandong Academy of Social Sciences
Jul 26, 2023
The common interests of China, Japan and South Korea far outweigh their differences. They share highly integrated economic networks and industrial chains, and so there is an urgent need to prevent the window of opportunity for dialogue from closing. The United States is not making it easy.
Apr 14, 2023
The negative impact of what appears to be a new cold war in East Asia — even as the U.S. forcefully pushes for U.S.-Japan-ROK cooperation — should not be underestimated. There are obvious obstacles within the alliance that will make moving forward difficult.
Nov 24, 2022
The United States and its allies are less interested in solving the problem than they are in containing China. But even if conflict is avoided, the intensification of a new cold war in Northeast Asia and the rising risk of nuclear proliferation do not bode well for the future.
Jun 02, 2022
Heightened U.S. military deployments on the Korean Peninsula will only exacerbate the regional security dilemma that affects China, Russia and the DPRK. Meanwhile, exclusivity between the United States and ROK in some trade sectors will be hard to pull off.
Apr 20, 2022
As it grows stronger, South Korea naturally wants to play a bigger role in world affairs. But drawing close to the U.S. in all fields to elevate its importance will ultimately constrain its diplomatic space and flexibility.
Mar 31, 2022
With America distracted by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the ICBM on the Korean Peninsula is not getting much attention. But the problem won’t go away without judicious action on both sides.
Feb 07, 2022
With the United States maintaining a hostile stance, the DPRK faces a bleak choice: either capitulate to U.S. nuclear and missile demands or try to unnerve the U.S. with a show of force. It is likely to try the latter first.
Jan 28, 2021
The country unveiled its economic approach at the Eighth National Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea. It faces serious obstacles, starting with its emphasis on self-reliance and an inefficient planned economy.
Dec 18, 2020
The nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula will not be resolved easily, but there’s reason to hope that a resolution can be nursed into reality. China, Russia, and the Republic of Korea should actively promote the resumption of dialogue and not allow the matter to drift.
Feb 01, 2019
Kim Jong-un is committed to denuclearization. Here’s why.