Hu Bo
Director, the South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative
Oct 09, 2020
For now and the foreseeable future, gaming will be intensified, making compromise difficult. It will likely remain peaceful and manageable on the whole, but uncertainties are growing.
Aug 07, 2020
In a word, no. China has never recognized the arbitration under the UNCLOS treaty as valid. Meanwhile, the United States continues to poison relations by opposing everything China does.
Jun 10, 2019
The Trump administration’s rash policies, combined with China’s persistent rise, have combined to grow Chinese influence and shrink the US footprint in the Asia-Pacific. But China must be sure to respect the interests of ASEAN countries and other regional stakeholders in crafting the norms and procedures for a new rules-based order in the region.
Sep 22, 2016
Since North Korea conducts nuclear tests frequently and countries like the U.S., Japan, South Korea have strengthened their military deployments in and around the Korean Peninsula, China is facing unprecedented difficulties and challenges there.
Mar 29, 2016
With the deployment of advanced weaponry and coupled with extensive media coverage, the US military has put on a show similar to a Hollywood blockbuster. But war is not imminent: The US simply hopes to increase China’s costs for such sovereignty-defending activities through military, political, diplomatic and media tools – and embarrass China diplomatically.
Nov 12, 2015
US naval actions in the South China Sea are about hegemony and power politics, a prevailing pursuit in the world in the 19th century, under the cloak of a 21st century pretense to safeguard freedom of navigation and international justice. The reality is: The US wants to check any expansion of Chinese power in the South China Sea.