Ma Jun
Research Fellow, PLA Academy of Military Science
Ma Jun is a Research Fellow of the Department of Foreign Military Studies and Specially Invited Researcher for the Center on China-America Defense Relations at the PLA Academy of Military Science.
Sep 02, 2015
China’s parade to commemorate the 70th anniversary of victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression does not reflect a desire to show off its military might. The event’s aim is to demonstrate China’s confidence and determination to maintain the victorious achievements and the peace for the world.
Dec 04, 2013
Chinese government announced the establishment of the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone on November 23. Ma Jun underscores the political implications of the new Chinese ADIZ in terms of national security, international rules and Sino-Japanese relations.
Sep 09, 2013
Will Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize win impact his decision to use military force against the Assad regime in Syria? Ma Jun examines the recent chemical weapon attack against civilians and the issues currently preventing the international community from supporting military action over diplomatic overtures.
Jun 25, 2013
The release of classified information by Edward Snowden has revealed three facts about the nature of the United States in regards to its security, policies and global relations. As Ma Jun explains, the vulnerability of US security, the shame of US policies and the hypocrisy of US democracy will continue to weigh on Sino-US relations.
Jun 15, 2012
Recently, there has been an increasing call from the global sphere for the Chinese government to faster globalization of the RMB, since stronger economic growth in China can also help pull the rest of the world out of its current financial slump. The next question comes to whether China is ready for the challenge in next five to ten years.