David Gosset
Founder, Euro-China Forum
Jun 03, 2013
The world should be optimistic ahead of the Obama-Xi summit in California. The two-day meeting will likely feature conversation about issues such as cyber-security and the trade. However, the main goal will be for the two statesmen to become familiar and establish a working relationship so they can pursue future goals both for their countries and for the international community.
Nov 28, 2012
When the People's Republic of China joined the United Nations 41 years ago, it looked at the peacekeeping operations with great suspicion. However, China has now become the largest provider of peacekeepers to Africa among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.
Mar 22, 2011
All that is real is rational explained Hegel in the years following the French revolution, and he confidently added that whatever is rational is real. One can o