Stephen Roach

Jul 08 , 2019

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Stephen Roach, Ph.D. -- Senior Fellow at Jackson Institute of Global Affairs, Senior Lecturer, School of Management, Yale University

Stephen Roach is a Senior Fellow at Yale University’s Jackson Institute of Global Affairs and a Senior Lecturer at Yale’s School of Management. He was formerly Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and the firm’s Chief Economist for the bulk of his 30-year career at Morgan Stanley.

Mr. Roach’s current teaching and research program focuses on the impacts of Asia on the broader global economy. At Yale, he has introduced new courses for undergraduates and graduate students on the “The Next China” and “The Lessons of Japan.” His writing and research also addresses globalization, trade policy, the post-crisis policy architecture, and the capital markets implications of global imbalances.

Stephen Roach has long been one of Wall Street’s most influential economists. His work has appeared in academic journals, books, congressional testimony and has been disseminated widely in the domestic and international media. Roach’s opinions on the global economy have been known to shape the policy debate from Beijing to Washington.

His latest book, Unbalanced: The Codependency of America and China (Yale University Press, Jan. 2014) examines the risks and opportunities of the world’s most important economic relationship of the 21st century. His 2009 book, The Next Asia: Opportunities and Challenges for a New Globalization (Wiley), analyzes Asia’s economic imbalances and the dangers of the region’s excess dependence on overextended Western consumers.

Prior to joining Morgan Stanley in 1982, Mr. Roach served on the research staff of the Federal Reserve Board and was also a research fellow at the Brookings Institution. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from New York University. Mr. Roach is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Investment Committee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the China Advisory Board of the Environmental Defense Fund, and the Economics Advisory Board of the University of Wisconsin.

史蒂芬·羅奇博士 —— 耶魯大學傑克遜國際事務中心高級研究員、耶魯大學管理學院高級講師

史蒂芬·羅奇(Stephen Roach)是耶魯大學傑克遜國際事務中心高級研究員、耶魯大學管理學院高級講師。在摩根史丹利長達30年的職業生涯中,他曾任該銀行的亞洲區主席和首席經濟學家。

羅奇先生目前的教學和研究項目主要關注亞洲對於全球經濟的影響。在耶魯,他面向本科生和研究生推出了「未來中國」(The Next China)和「日本的教訓」(The Lessons of Japan)等新課程。他的文章和研究成果着重探討全球化進程、貿易政策、後危機政策結構以及全球失衡對資本市場的影響等議題。


他最近出版的著作《失衡:後經濟危機時代的再平衡》(Unbalanced: The Codependency of America and China,耶魯大學出版社,20014年1月)檢視了21世紀世界上最重要的經濟關係帶來的風險與機遇。他在2009年出版的著作《未來亞洲:新全球化進程帶來的機遇與挑戰》(The Next Asia: Opportunities and Challenges for a New Globalization,Wiley出版社)中分析了亞洲的經濟失衡,以及該地區過分依賴過度消費的西方消費者的風險。
